Labels:bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: Ruo imoge PUDRSTeY Uevecoer's ue Mie Any henox 6 the witsa meet Letin the themext tine tfe Riffle Buttons The Riffle buttons are part of Kuda c exclusive Riffle feature Tum to page 20 for inform. ation an the Riffle feature Close Window Button The Close Wind bu tton is astandard Macintosh feature that clases the window. With Kudo, this button closes the catalog Zoom Window Button The Zoom Window button is another standard Macintosh feature Clicking if suOOZ : the window to its full screen size Click it again to retum the Ow its smaller size Saroll Bar Use the Scroll bar to : move throu gh the catalog. Mte: Renende thet Kirck disprley thecatakgbeet the Find critertes "Ereything "in the Find theatineratalgis Aere: Find Rlx FrX snd thugh thee Hes thugh th thundmels Poosper Heveawer laatina nn ...